Two books on the history of children's fantasy literature, written with a scholarly background but intended for the general as well as academic reader. If you're looking for a guide to choosing books for children, or just want to explore the history of the genre, these could be what you're looking (I've also written over a hundred articles for various periodicals, mostly farming-related.)

For reviews, more about individual books, and for purchasing links, click on the cover images below.

Cover of Quests and Kingdoms

Quests and Kingdoms: A Grown-Up's Guide to Children's Fantasy Literature

Discusses the history of fantasy literature for children from the Victorian era to the early years of the twenty-first century. Shortlisted for the Children's Books History Society's Harvey Darton Award in 2006. (Sybertooth 2005.)

Cover of Beyond Window-Dressing

Beyond Window-Dressing: Canadian Children's Fantasy at the Millennium

An examination of children's fantasy literature in Canada. Received the 2004 Frances E. Russell Award from IBBY Canada (International Board on Books for Young People); now called the Frances E. Russell Grant. (Sybertooth 2007).