On the island of Eswiland, there are humans, and there are Nightwalkers, the feared and hated warlocks driven long ago into their hidden kingdom of Talverdin in the west. The most recent attempt at reconciliation went terribly wrong when one of the Nightwalker emissaries ran away with the wife of the human king of Dunmorra. But though peoples and kingdoms are divided by fear and hate, two brothers work to change the world through their kinship.
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Maurey, a foundling, escapes execution as a warlock and joins Annot, runaway Baroness of Oakhold, to prevent a war between humans and inhuman Nightwalkers. Winner of the 2008 Ann Connor Brimer Award; Selected by VOYA for their annual list of the Year's Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, April 2007; Ontario Library Association Best Bets Top Ten list 2007; shortlisted for the 2008/09 Snow Willow Awards. (Orca 2007.)

Treason in Eswy
Maurey and his liegeman the Fenlander chieftain Korby hunt for the missing heir of Eswy and thwart a plan to invade Dunmorra and rekindle hatred between humans and Nightwalkers. (Orca 2008.)

Warden of Greyrock
The Yehillon, a cult dedicated to extermination of the entire Nightwalker race, holds Annot hostage and sets in motion a plan to invade Talverdin. (Orca 2009.) Ontario Library Association Top Ten Best Bets for Young Adults 2009.

The Shadow Road
Half-human Nethin, poisoned and imprisoned by a human-hating group of Nightwalkers, finds himself in the heart of a Yehillon plan for genocide which might destroy the very world. (Orca 2010.)